Thursday, August 13, 2009

"Get That Piano Off Your Back And RUN!"

I was always an athlete. From a young age I took an interest in sports. I was good at hand, eye coordination. I was good at catching, throwing and hitting. However, when it came to running, I was a steps behind everyone else........literally.

I've always maintained that if you see me running, you better run too because something must be chasing me. Playing softball as a youngster and teen, I would study base running techniques. I would study ways to cut down on steps or get a head start because my speed was a disadvantage. Not only did I not run FAST, my endurance was suspect as well. I was frequently found in the back of the pack with the fat chicks and the ones with injured legs. Needless to say, I was comfortable letting running remain something other people (other CRAZY people) did.

My wonderful husband began running a few years ago when I was pregnant with our son. He wanted to get in shape so that he could do all the fatherly things that come along with having a son without getting winded. He has developed into quite a runner. Part of me was jealous because he had mastered the art of running that had so long eluded me, but the other part was happy it was him and not me that was gasping for air in the driveway after having run several miles.

This spring a family member suggested that we run in a 5k race. Several people in the family had committed to doing it, and being the competitor I am, I couldn't stand to be left out. So thus it love/hate (mostly hate) relationship with running.

I've been running for a few months but have had to take long breaks off due to illness. Just last week, I have rededicated myself to running and having myself ready for a 5k in September (EEP!)

Many seasoned runners who happen upon this will laugh at my mile times and my struggles, I am sure. But hopefully there are some of you out there who read this who will feel better about their struggles with fitness because they can't be as bad as mine! Or maybe, hopefully, it will inspire someone it get off the couch and give running a try, because if I can do it, anyone can!


  1. I have never been a runner. I've tried, but I prefer to walk. ;) Major kudos to you for your efforts! Good luck!

  2. I'm so proud of you, Lori! I've been trying so hard lately to get back in shape but a bout of bursitis that's left me all but crippled has certainly stopped me in my tracks. You inspire me!
